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Oh, the humanities: Can you guess the most-regretted college majors? – USA TODAY

Oh, the humanities: Can you guess the most-regretted college majors? – USA TODAY

In a recent survey conducted by USA TODAY, the ‍most-regretted college majors were revealed,‌ shedding ‌light on the impact of academic choices on post-graduation satisfaction. With ⁢a focus ⁣on the ‍humanities, the ⁢study raises questions about the ‌value of certain fields of ⁢study in today’s job market. Join us as we delve into ‍the findings and explore the implications for students⁤ and professionals alike ⁢in the ‌ever-evolving world of higher education.

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Top‌ college majors most regretted by graduates

Top college majors ​most regretted by graduates

According to ⁣a recent ⁤survey, it seems that‌ some college majors leave graduates with more regrets than others. Among the​ top ⁢most-regretted majors are those in the humanities field, such as English and History. ​Many students who pursued these majors​ express feeling unprepared for the ‍job market and ⁣wish ⁢they had chosen a more⁤ practical path.

On the other hand, majors in STEM fields like Engineering and Computer Science are ⁣among the least-regretted choices. Graduates with ​these degrees tend to have better job prospects and higher earning ⁣potential. It seems that when it ⁢comes to picking a⁣ college major, ⁤the grass ‍may⁤ truly be ‌greener on the STEM side of the​ fence.

Insights on why humanities‌ majors ​are often regretted

Insights on why humanities‌ majors are often regretted

The data ⁢is​ in, and‌ it’s not looking good for‍ humanities majors. According to⁣ a recent survey, humanities majors are⁢ among the most regretted⁤ college ‌majors,⁢ with many graduates wishing⁣ they ⁢had chosen⁣ a different path. But why are humanities majors so ​frequently regretted? Here are⁣ some insights:

Recommendations for students considering humanities majors

Recommendations for students considering humanities⁤ majors

For students⁢ considering humanities majors,‍ it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. While the humanities can ‍offer a deep ⁤dive into important topics like ⁢history, art, literature, and philosophy,⁤ it’s also worth considering the ⁤potential job prospects and salary outlook for graduates. Here are some⁣ key recommendations to keep​ in mind:

Breaking down the data: which specific humanities majors are ⁤most regretted

Breaking down the ‌data: which specific ⁢humanities majors are most regretted

In a recent study, data was analyzed ‌to determine which specific humanities‍ majors are ⁢most ​regretted among‌ college ⁢graduates. The⁤ findings revealed some surprising results that⁢ shed light on the ⁢potential ‌pitfalls of pursuing a degree in the humanities.

According to the data, ​the‌ top three most-regretted humanities majors are:

  • Art History
  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies

Interestingly, these majors were found ⁤to have high rates⁤ of regret among graduates, ⁤with many ‍citing limited job prospects⁤ and low earning potential⁢ as the main reasons for their​ dissatisfaction. Despite the intellectual and cultural value of these disciplines, ⁢it appears that the⁣ practical‍ realities of the job market are causing many graduates to rethink ‌their choice ⁤of major.

MajorsRegret Rate
Art History45%
Religious Studies33%


Q: Which college majors are the most regretted according to⁤ a recent study?
A: ⁤According to a study conducted‍ by CareerBuilder, the most⁤ regretted ⁢college majors are in the humanities field.

Q: What factors ‍contribute to graduates regretting their ‌choice of major?
A: Graduates who regret their humanities major cite reasons such as‍ low‍ pay, limited job opportunities, and ‍feeling unprepared for the workforce.

Q: ⁣Are there any specific humanities majors that stand out as being particularly regretted?
A: The⁣ study found that majors⁢ in ‍art, English, and history are ‌among the most regretted in⁤ the humanities field.

Q:⁤ How do these findings ​compare to other fields ⁤of study?
A: Graduates ‌of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) majors ‍were ​found to⁣ be the‍ least‌ likely to ⁣regret their choice of major, likely ⁣due ‍to ‍higher job prospects and salaries in those fields.

Q: What advice do experts ⁤offer ​to current college students considering ⁣a⁢ humanities ‌major?
A: Experts suggest that students considering a⁢ humanities ‌major ‍should carefully research job ​prospects, salary potential, and skills gained⁤ from their chosen ‌field to ensure they are making an informed decision about their academic⁢ future.

Wrapping ⁢Up

it is clear that‍ the field of‌ humanities remains a popular choice ⁢for many college students, despite being one of the most regretted majors. As the job⁣ market continues to‍ evolve, it is important‌ for students to⁣ carefully consider their career goals ⁤and potential job prospects⁤ before choosing​ a major. While the ⁣decision may not always be easy, with the right guidance and research, students can find a path that aligns with their interests and⁣ leads to a‍ fulfilling ‌and successful career. Thank you for reading and​ stay tuned for more insights and updates on the world of education ⁤and ​employment.

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