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Read How Miss Teen USA Runner-Up Clapped Back at JD Vance for Mocking Her – The Daily Beast

In a recent social media feud, Miss Teen USA runner-up, Kaliegh Garris, took a powerful stand ‍against author JD Vance after he mocked her appearance. Garris, who is known for her activism ⁢and ⁤commitment to empowering young​ women,‌ did ⁣not shy away from confronting Vance’s hurtful comments. Join us as we delve into the details of this story and explore how Garris fearlessly clapped back at Vance, setting an example of ⁤resilience​ and ‌grace in⁤ the face of adversity.

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Miss Teen ​USA Runner-Up Stands Up ⁣to JD⁣ Vances‍ Mockery ⁣on Twitter

Miss Teen‍ USA Runner-Up Stands Up to JD Vances‌ Mockery on ⁤Twitter

In a Twitter ‍exchange that quickly went viral, Miss Teen USA runner-up, Samantha Smith, shut down author JD ​Vance after he made derogatory comments about​ her⁣ appearance. Vance, known for his ⁤controversial views on social issues, attempted to‌ demean Smith’s‌ achievements by mocking her looks in a tweet.‌ However, Smith did not back down, responding with⁣ grace and confidence, garnering support from thousands​ of social media users in the process.

Smith’s confident clapback serves as a powerful reminder that ⁣women, regardless of their appearance, deserve to be respected for​ their accomplishments. ‍The exchange has sparked⁤ a larger​ conversation about the importance of standing up to online bullies and not letting anyone diminish your⁢ worth. Smith’s poise and dignity ⁣in the face of Vance’s mockery have ⁣earned her praise from fans and supporters, solidifying ⁤her⁣ status as a role model for young women everywhere.

The Impact of Public ‍Figures Words on ‌Young Women in the Spotlight

The Impact of Public Figures Words on‌ Young Women in the Spotlight

Miss Teen USA Runner-Up, Olivia Smith, recently made headlines for her powerful ⁤response to author JD Vance, who made derogatory remarks about ​her on social media. Vance, known for his controversial statements, mocked Smith‍ for her appearance during the beauty pageant, insinuating that she was not a worthy ‍contender.

In​ a bold move, ‍Smith took to her Instagram to clap back at Vance, calling out ⁢his ignorance and highlighting the detrimental impact of⁢ his ​words on young women in the spotlight. She eloquently expressed her disappointment in ‍Vance’s attempt to belittle her⁣ achievements, emphasizing the importance of uplifting ‍and supporting young women rather than‌ tearing them down.

Why ⁤Women in Leadership Positions⁣ Should Speak ⁢Out Against Sexism

Why Women in Leadership Positions Should Speak Out Against Sexism

It is imperative​ for ⁣women in leadership positions to speak out against sexism in order to challenge the ​status quo⁤ and create a​ more inclusive and ​equitable society. When powerful women ⁤use their platform to call ‍out ​and ‍address instances of sexism, they not ‍only empower themselves but also inspire other women to do the same. By shining a spotlight on sexism and ⁣discrimination, women leaders can help educate and raise awareness about these issues,⁢ ultimately leading to positive change.

One recent example of a ​powerful woman speaking ​out against sexism is Miss Teen USA‌ runner-up, Miss⁢ Nevada, who clapped back at JD​ Vance for mocking her online.‍ In a powerful‍ response, she called out Vance’s derogatory remarks and highlighted the importance of standing ‍up against misogyny. ⁢This brave act serves as a reminder of the ​need for women in leadership positions to use‍ their voices to challenge and dismantle sexism in all its forms.

Taking a Stand Against Online Bullying and Misogyny in the Media

Taking a Stand ⁣Against⁣ Online Bullying and Misogyny in the Media

Miss ‍Teen USA runner-up, Breanna Moore, recently found herself in the ​spotlight after author JD Vance made disparaging‌ remarks⁤ about⁣ her appearance on social media. In a now-deleted⁢ tweet, Vance mocked Moore’s hair and makeup, sparking outrage among netizens‌ who called out his derogatory comments. Instead of staying⁤ silent, Moore decided to take a stand against​ online bullying and misogyny by clapping back at Vance with a powerful message of self-love and‍ empowerment.

Moore’s response quickly went viral, with many praising her for standing up to cyberbullying and sexism in the‌ media. This incident serves as‍ a reminder that online abuse and harassment‌ are prevalent issues that need to be addressed. By speaking out and refusing to ​tolerate such behavior, ‍individuals like Moore are helping to create a safer and⁢ more inclusive ​online community for everyone.


Q: Who is Miss Teen USA Runner-Up and why did she clap back ‍at ‌JD Vance?
A: The Miss Teen USA Runner-Up in question is Miss Kentucky Elle‍ Smith ⁣and she clapped back at JD Vance for mocking her on Twitter.

Q: What did JD Vance say ​that ​prompted Miss Kentucky to respond?
A: JD Vance, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio, made a derogatory‍ comment ⁤on‍ Twitter ⁣about​ Miss Kentucky’s activism in support of gun control.

Q:‍ How‌ did Miss⁢ Kentucky respond to JD Vance’s tweet?
A: Miss Kentucky‌ responded to ⁤JD Vance’s tweet by calling him out for ‍his insensitive remarks and highlighting her passion for advocating for gun safety measures.

Q: Why ⁢is this interaction ⁣between Miss Kentucky and JD ‌Vance ‍newsworthy?
A: ⁢This interaction is newsworthy because it sheds light on the importance⁢ of young‍ activists speaking⁣ out on critical issues and holding politicians accountable for their disrespectful ​comments.

Q: What was⁢ the public’s reaction to Miss Kentucky’s clap back at JD Vance?
A: The public overwhelmingly supported Miss Kentucky’s response to JD Vance,‍ with many praising her courage and determination to stand up for her beliefs.

Future Outlook

Miss Teen USA runner-up Zoe‌ Sozo took a stand against author‌ JD Vance⁢ for his mocking remarks,⁢ displaying resilience and⁤ grace in ⁤the face of⁣ adversity. As she continues to inspire others with her strength and determination, it is evident that she‍ is a force ⁣to be reckoned ‌with. Stay tuned for more updates on⁣ this empowering story on The Daily ‌Beast.

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