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More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump – USA TODAY

More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump – USA TODAY

In a ⁣rare display of bipartisan unity,‍ over 200 former officials who⁢ served under Republican presidents George​ W. Bush,​ John ⁣McCain, and Mitt Romney have⁢ come together to endorse⁣ Democratic candidate Kamala‍ Harris for⁣ president. In a joint statement, the group criticized ⁢President Donald Trump’s​ leadership,⁤ citing⁢ his divisive rhetoric and failure ‍to uphold democratic ‌norms.⁤ The ⁤surprising⁤ endorsement⁤ has sparked debate within the‌ GOP⁢ and ⁤highlights the growing ⁤divide ​within the party.

Table⁣ of ⁣Contents

Several High-profile Republicans Endorse Kamala Harris for President

Several High-profile Republicans Endorse ⁢Kamala Harris for ‍President

Over 200 high-profile Republicans, including former⁣ aides to Presidents George W. ⁣Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, have thrown‌ their⁢ support behind Democratic ⁤candidate Kamala Harris ⁤for president. In⁤ a joint statement,​ these prominent GOP ⁤figures criticized‍ President ⁤Trump’s leadership ⁣style ⁢and policies, highlighting Harris’ qualities ​as a unifying and capable leader.

  • These⁤ endorsements reflect a growing trend of⁤ disillusionment within the ⁣Republican party ⁢towards Trump’s administration.
  • The support from such respected Republican ‍alums lends credibility to Harris’ campaign and speaks to her ‍ability to ⁢appeal across party lines.

The endorsements from these influential ​Republicans are a significant boost to ⁣Harris’ campaign, ‌signaling a potential⁤ shift ​in⁢ bipartisan support for the ⁤upcoming⁣ presidential election.

Former ‌Bush, McCain, and Romney Allies Express Disapproval of ‌Trump

Former Bush, McCain, and Romney ⁣Allies Express​ Disapproval of Trump

Over 200 ⁢former⁣ allies of prominent⁢ Republican figures ‍such ​as George W. Bush, John‌ McCain, and Mitt Romney⁢ have come‍ out in support ‍of ‍Democratic ⁤vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris in the upcoming⁤ presidential election. These individuals, who once worked closely with the‌ aforementioned GOP leaders, have⁣ cited their disapproval of President Donald Trump ⁤as a primary reason for endorsing Harris.

The group of ​ex-Bush, McCain, and ‌Romney allies, representing a‍ diverse range​ of political backgrounds and expertise, ‌have criticized ‌Trump’s handling of various ‍issues, including ‌foreign policy, ⁤healthcare, and immigration. They believe that Harris​ is the​ best ⁣choice‌ to ​lead the country forward and restore integrity ⁢to ⁤the⁢ White ⁣House. This ⁤endorsement is seen as a significant shift‍ in traditional party⁣ politics and a testament to the​ divisive ​nature of the⁣ current ‍administration.

Bipartisan Support Grows for Harris Campaign

Bipartisan Support Grows for Harris ⁤Campaign

Over ⁢200 prominent Republicans, including former officials from the Bush, McCain,​ and Romney administrations, have thrown their ‌support behind Kamala⁣ Harris in the upcoming presidential‌ election.‍ In a bold⁣ move that showcases bipartisan unity, these individuals have endorsed Harris for president while simultaneously​ criticizing the current administration under​ President Trump.

The endorsements come as a significant boost to ⁢Harris’⁤ campaign, demonstrating​ a shift in traditional ‍party lines and a growing dissatisfaction with the current leadership. The ‌group‌ of Republicans, who have put⁢ aside their ⁢party affiliations to support Harris, ⁣believe that her policies and ⁤vision ⁤for the ⁢country align more closely with their values and priorities than those of⁤ the current president. This ⁣display of ‍unity across party ⁣lines⁢ is a‌ powerful‌ statement in today’s polarized political climate, highlighting ⁣the⁤ importance ​of⁤ putting country above party.

Prominent ⁢Republican⁣ Figures Publicly Criticize President Trump

Prominent Republican Figures Publicly Criticize⁢ President Trump

Former ‌officials from ⁢the administrations of George W. Bush, John ⁤McCain, and Mitt Romney have come⁢ together to publicly endorse ‌Joe Biden’s‌ running mate, Kamala ⁣Harris, for president in the upcoming election. ‌The group, ⁤consisting of more⁤ than 200 prominent ⁣Republican figures, is vocal in​ their criticism of President Trump, citing his divisive rhetoric ​and failure to unite the‌ country.

The endorsements from ‍these high-profile‌ Republicans reflect a growing trend of⁢ party members breaking ranks ​with Trump in​ favor of⁢ Harris and Biden.⁢ The ​group is calling for a return to ⁤civility and bipartisanship in politics,⁣ highlighting Harris’s experience ​and leadership ⁣qualities ⁣as ⁢key ‌factors in their decision to support the Democratic ‌ticket. ‌As the election ⁣draws near, these⁢ endorsements could‌ have⁣ a significant impact⁣ on​ undecided voters ⁢and sway traditionally Republican-leaning areas towards the Democratic candidate.


Q: Who ​are the prominent ​political ‍figures that have endorsed​ Kamala Harris for​ president?
A: ⁣More than 200 former officials from the administrations of George W. ‍Bush, John McCain, ⁢and ⁢Mitt Romney have endorsed Kamala ⁢Harris ⁢for president.

Q: What do⁢ these ⁢alums⁢ criticize about President Trump?
A: The ⁢group ⁤of Bush, McCain, and Romney alums have criticized​ President Trump for his leadership‍ style and policies, suggesting that‌ Harris would ​provide a‍ more ​effective and inclusive alternative.

Q: How significant‌ is ‍this endorsement for Kamala Harris’s⁤ presidential campaign?
A: This endorsement from respected ‌Republican officials is significant as it demonstrates⁢ a⁤ growing bipartisan coalition in ⁤support ⁣of Kamala Harris’s candidacy and adds⁢ credibility to ⁤her campaign.

Q: How has President Trump responded‌ to this endorsement?
A: President Trump has not publicly commented on the endorsement ​from the Bush, McCain, and ​Romney ​alums. However, it is ⁤likely to further fuel the ongoing political divide in the country.⁤

To Wrap It Up

the overwhelming support from‍ over ‌200 former Bush, McCain, and Romney⁤ administration officials endorsing ⁤Kamala Harris for president sends a ⁣strong message⁢ of unity and ‍condemnation ⁤of the current administration.⁢ Their endorsement ⁢not ⁢only highlights the bipartisan appeal of‍ Harris but ​also underscores the​ deep‍ dissatisfaction with ‌President Trump’s leadership. As the election⁣ draws near, it will be interesting ⁢to ⁤see how this​ endorsement ‍impacts the‌ race ⁢and shapes the political landscape leading up to November.⁤ Stay tuned for​ more ‍updates on⁤ the 2020 presidential election ​on USA TODAY.

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